Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First of many Armies on parade sales. THE BOARD.

So this thing is just too big to sit in my flat. It says pickup only but if you buy it and want it delivered and dont mind paying then I am sure we can come to some sort of arrangement.


Thanks for watching

Finished Howling Griffon Chapter Master

Im calling this fella done! Bar some weathering powders and liquids and the base! Had a lot of fun painting this fella. Also come up with a bit of a backstory for him and his bodyguard. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Howling Griffons Chapter master

Its dark! Its really dark. But that's what I was going for! Going to try for a different background on my next one. Enjoy!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ebay sale and painting progress

This month has been the clearout and progression. Just focussing on small projects and nailing them and getting rid of some of my older armies. You can find the eBay sale here for the Avenger strike fighter, that is currently still below cost! Bargin.  http://tinyurl.com/l8stngr

And here is my howling griffons chapter master as he stands now! He's getting a crazy power weapon.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Painting metals with metallic paint

One of the things I was told by the eavy metal team that did the feedback on my howling griffons model is that I need to work on my metals. So I've set about teaching myself real matallic metals. Personally nmm (non metallic metals) never really look right to me. Always leave a lot to be desired even if done to an amazing level. But the same techniques applied with metallic paints have a great result.